Thursday, November 6, 2008

You know, I actually don't mind being here. That much. I mean, before I actually experienced moving to another country, I thought it was a big deal. But it's not. I think I've adapted my needs to live here effectively enough, and with it's proximity to Japan, I can get access to a lot of local Japanese sites. Namely, the robotics and engineering sites. I still feel like everywhere I go, people are looking at me weird, though. It's probably for several reasons:
They can't figure out what country I'm from. They look at my dad, Automatic american. Look at my mom, automatic Taiwanese. Look at me? ...I've been called spanish(!), portuguese(?), hawaiian(!?), never American. But I suppose that's a good thing, considering how low america has sunk these days... I'd rather be in beijing taking apart radios (which can get really boring once you've figured out how they work) than being outside, being looked down upon because all americans are the same lazy hamburger-eating blonde-haired... Not all american are blonde haired, you ignorant people! I'm brown-haired, and I identify myself (somewhat reluctantly) as an american... And there are plenty of countries everywhere with blonde-haired people, not just america. England, for example. There are brown haired people there, too.

Okay, and what is with these people?! Can't they tell I'm a girl? I must have gotten asked nearly a dozen times so far, whethere or not I was a girl or a boy. Or no, It's was like this:
Lady: Ni shi nan-shen, mah? ( you're a boy, right?)
Me: ... (...)
My mom: *sweat* Bu shi. Shi ni shen. (No. She's a girl.)
Lady: Wah! Tah shi ni shen? Ni tre ding, mah? (Oh my god! It's a girl? Are you sure?)
Me: D<(Cue my trowing things angrily. Be it a radio, a screwdriver, or whatever I'm working on at the time...)
I don't think I look all that much like a dude. Just becasue I've got short hair and no boobs does not mean I'm a guy, yo. And sometimes they'll even ask my gender when I'm wearing a skirt! Isn't a skirt the international symbol of "female"?
I think I'm overreacting. I'll go read something. (Seriously, When I wear skirts I look like a crossdressing guy? Is it the hair? Those people are really wierd. And most women here have short hair too. of course, there all middle-aged too...)